

All Courses are open to current members of SeniorNet Kāpiti. Non-members wishing to join a Course should join SeniorNet Kāpiti first.

A course is run by a Lead Tutor. Notes are supplied, exercises will be worked through and there will be continual interaction with members.  For PC (ie Windows) based courses members will be encouraged to use SeniorNet Kāpiti’s computers.

A session is 1 x  2½ hour session,  either morning or afternoon.  Most Courses run monthly. 

Members will be emailed about 10 days before a Course to remind them of what is coming up.

Click on the title for any Course to learn more about that course.

Current Courses

For PC’s

For Tablets and Smartphones

Device Independent

You can enrol for any of these Courses by following the link above to the Course and clicking on the Enrol button at the bottom of the screen.

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