Join Us

Joining SeniorNet Kāpiti is easy!

All you need to do is complete the web form on this page. Click on the Submit Form button at the bottom and then make the payment online to our bank. After your payment has been received, we will get in touch with you.


The subscription for new members is $30 for a single person and $50 for a couple.
The subscription year runs from 1 April to 31 March. If you join in the first 3 months of the year your sub will run through to 31 March of the following year.


SeniorNet Kāpiti is a registered charity. If you would like to make a donation, this would be appreciated, and we will issue a tax receipt.

How to Pay

The preferred method is to pay online to our bank account
The account is SeniorNet Kāpiti 06 0501 0746900-00.
Please put your name & phone number in the details.
If you are coming to a Session, we have Eftpos available, and you can pay on the spot.


If you joining as a couple start with yourself and further down you will be asked for the details of your partner.

By submitting this application you are consenting to joining SeniorNet Kāpiti. We will never release your contact details and you can ask at any time for a copy of the data we have stored under your name