What we Offer

SeniorNet Kāpiti help is divided into three types of sessions. All sessions may incur small fees.


Courses are sessions where each participant works at a computer and follows a series of exercises explained by a tutor.  Courses are typically limited to 7 members at a time.  A session is 2½ hours with a break half way through for a cup of tea. A Course will be from 1 to 5 sessions. 


Workshops are sessions where a tutor will lead a discussion on a theme. A Workshop is run by a Lead Tutor in a lecture type format.  Notes are supplied and there will be continual interaction with members.  A session is 2½ hours with a break half way through for a cup of tea.  

How Do I?

One on One help is provided in “How do I … “ Sessions.  Members turn up, usually with their own device and have a one on one session with a tutor. There is a small cost. These are held at varying times in a month. 

Senior Hangouts

Senior Hangouts is run by the Federation of NZ SeniorNet Societies and is a source of help forums, video clips and items of interest and use to the more mature IT user.  As a member of Seniornet Kāpiti you are entitled to join Senior Hangouts. 

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